Results, tasks, slides and other past contest information you can find in our

ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
sponsored by Microsoft

ACM ICPC is the annual international competition between teams from Universities all over the world. The contest has been held since 1977 by the organization ACM well-known in the world of computing. More than 1000 teams from the major universities took part in the championship of 1995-96.


Click on the circle area to jump to the Barnaul Web Site

Contest calendar:

October 20
Deadline for Application Forms
December 1
Teams arrive to St.Petersburg, Registration
December 2: morning
December 2: evening
Opening ceremony, science program, practice session
December 3: morning
Solving problems
December 3: evening
Award ceremony, banquet
December 4
St.Petersburg sightseens, visiting computer exhibition INWEKOM, teams depart from St.Petersburg
December 5
Teams depart from St.Petersburg

General Information

[Northeastern European Region]
[Rules overview]
[Team eligibility]
[Official language]
[Siberian subregion]
[Registration fee]
[Application form]
[Awards and results]
[Sample problems]
[Contest officials]
[Application form example]

Accomodation in St.P.

Contest site

Detailed rules

[Contest environment]
[Conduct of the contest]
[Evaluating software]
[Practice session]

List of participating teams

Информация о состязаниях

[Краткая информация]
[Северо-Восточный европейской регион]
[Обзор правил олимпиады]
[Состав команды]
[Язык соревнований]
[Сибирский подрегион]
[Организационный взнос]
[Оформление заявки на участие]
[Подведение итогов олимпиады]
[Размещение участников]
[Примеры задач]
[Оргкомитет региональных соревнований]
[Форма заявки на участие]

Размещение участников в СПб

Место проведения соревнований

Правила соревнований

[Программное обеспечение]
[Схема проведения]
[Проверяющая система]
[Пробный тур]

St.Petersburg Programming Contests

Our Internet Programming Contests Journal. You will find here a lot of programming problems and our Training Center suggesting outstanding opportunity to increase your problem solving skills.

To show appreciation for participation in the 1996-97 ACM Regional Collegiate Programming Contest, Microsoft will give each student team member and faculty advisor a FREE copy of Microsoft Visual J++, Professional Edition (CD version only).

The Fast Track to Power Java Programming, Visual J++ is the first professional-strength visual Java development tool. With a comprehensive and unique graphical debugger, blazing fast source code compiler, wizards to build applets and ActiveX controls, integrated database access and more, Visual J++ is simply the best tool available for creating Java applications and applets.

Best viewed with at least 32K color under Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer ver 3.0.

Last updated: Sun, 29 Dec 1996 19:11:00 +0300 (MSK)

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